Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Best in show

Many awards are given to people and animals who achieve the best in competitions.
There are some people who should be given an award for giving the best of themselves every day.
I was inspired to create a trophy for a dear friend of mine to remind her of the beautiful person she is for all that she does for many people. 
I used a small spool covered in paper and velvet ribbon as a stand.

It was a blast to pick out the perfect millinery blooms for this project.
Would any of you love to receive a bouquet of vintage millinery?
I would - I am weird like that, lol.
Cheers to you and all of the little things you do everyday that reflect the best of your heart. 
Thank you for visiting!
xo ~ Heidi


ScrappyDandyDoo said...

what a lovely idea :D and yes I'm with you on the vintage millinery bouquet :D
Julie xx

The Old Parsonage said...

Ohh this is darling! Love the loving cup and a bouquet of millinery flowers would be a perfect gift for anyone in my book.

I'm sure that your friend will just love it, I know that I would!


Grace said...

How adorable that trophy is! Very cute and I am sure your friend will love it and the sentiment and love behind it. Grace xoox

maid marian said...

I absolutely love your creation! It's adorbs. You're not the only one who would love to receive a gift of millinery ;) Hope you friends adores your gift. xoxo

Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff said...

Hi Heidi,
This is such a lovely gift for your friend. I have 2 bags of these trophies, I planned to make them up as special Christmas gifts, the bags are still unopened. I guess there is always next Christmas.
enJOY a lovely evening,

Kim Gillian said...

That is such a sweet gesture. I just found your blog. I love it. I'm your newest follower!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Heidi you are such a good friend to think of and create such a beautiful gift. Bet she cries, I know I would. (())

HI! I'm Tabitha said...

OHHHH my much do I LOVE THIS...

Melanie said...

That is the most sweetest trophy I have ever seen Heidi !
Your friend will surely smile as big as the sky when you give that to her. A beautiful sentiment and a glorious creation. I am with you on those millinery flowers too ! I love them x

Little Pink Studio said...

Just beautiful, Heidi! Your friend will treasure it, I'm sure.

Annesphamily said...

Oh this is wonderful! Such a terrific talent you have here! said...

What a delightful prize!